Friday, February 13, 2009

New Web Site Going Up

Ok its happening. Yes finally. After a few set-backs and an out of business web site designer last year, the new Larson & Associates set is officially under development and construction at:

This site will as all sites are a work in process.

Phase 1: Will entail me putting down the general concept in basic pages; get the flow going, working on some of the basic text, number of pages, page names and all that good web type stuff. You know, key words, page descriptions, etc.

Phase 2: Will be (is) going on at the same time will entail interviewing web designers to make the final (ongoing) edition of the site. This same person (company) will become my official web designer of choice and will have first rights on all and any web work that my company takes in. I believe that if I trust them to make my site and people looking at my site like what they see, that is what they are buying.

Phase 3: Get new professional site up and running.

Phase 4: Will be (is) ongoing is the search engine submission of the site to get it listed. This will be done internally until a professional company is found to take over the task. I have done this so I do know what I’m doing. Again if I do outsource this function this company will become my official web submission/optimization company of choice and rather than do the submissions as an internal function this will be outsourced to this company.

Phase 5: Start phase 3 all over again.

Larson note: This will be a work in progress and I encourage you to comment and make suggestions as to what and how a web site should work, look and function. I learned long ago that I need to accept other peoples comments and take it all in, think about it and use what is useful and through the rest away. So I hope you will join me in this journey as we make the new online Larson site. It’s for you our customers and prospects. We only stand behind the site with professional advertising & marketing services.

If you noticed here, I am or will be outsourcing many of the things you might think I would do internally. Think again.

Larson & Associates is a company that does some things such as New Account Acquisition and Target Guerrilla Marketing as an internal function, but in this, we are asking companies to outsource some of their sales and marketing functions to us. We in kind, outsource some of those functions to others who can do it better to them.

Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better

P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.

P.P.S. Twice a week we offer 2 free ½ hour consultations for marketing your business. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.

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