Friday, April 24, 2009

Personalize Your Marketing Adverting & Sales Efforts

In any kind of advertising, marketing or sales effort you usually have only a few seconds to capture your prospects attention. This does not give you much room to maneuver of flounder over how to dive your message and create interest to their specific need(s).

A strong opening line, great visuals, clear theme is needed to drive your central message on how you can ease their pain. Ask your present customers what their current needs are so you can stay on top of what is important to your prospects. Then sit down and craft your message to those specific needs, wants and desires.

Larson note: It is all about taking directly to your prospects as a person not as an audience. In the age of digital both electronic, web and print you can narrow in your focus and hammer home your message. People need and expect this personalized marketing. So don’t fight it. Give them what they want and they will reward your effort allowing you to provide them with your product or service.

Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better

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