Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Feelings About The Economic Recession

What are your feelings about the economic recession?

39% Concerned, have cut back spending quite a bit
45% Concerned, have cut back spending a little
12% Not concerned, no spending changes
2% Not concerned have increased changes
1% Don’t know

*First Annual New Millennium Research Council Survey on Consumers and the economy 2008 respondents, March 5-9, 2009

Larson note: The raging debate is the recession over? He we bottomed out? IN the paper today it was noted that 22 local (Chicago area) companies are planning more layoffs in May. HSBC, BP America, Vertis Communication, American Color Graphics, Aromatics, Acetyuls Technology Department. You don’t need to be part of this. You can grow in an economic down turn but you need to keep focused and stead in your sales and marketing attack. Make your competition squirm as you attack vigorously with cost effective high ROI marketing.

Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better


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