Tuesday, April 7, 2009

$3.50 and Friendship Buys You Coffee

How many times has a salesperson been hired away to a different firm because of perceived value? The idea that a salesperson that can make great relationships can bring his customers in mass with him is a myth. So will but most will remain with the original company. If the company has treated them right why should they change?

What salesperson does not think that they have a great relationship with all their customers? This maybe part fact but also part myth. This myth about their customer relationships creates the two biggest obstacles to a salespersons continued success:

1. Lack of Sales Competencies: As long as they believe they have great relationships with their clients they don’t worry about how good they are as sales people. They believe their customers like them and will buy from them no matter what. In addition, they start to become club joiners thinking the more friends I make the more customers I will get.

2. Prevents them from working harder: With the perceived relationship they start to become stagnet. They go where it is easy to talk to people (not prospects). They find places where people like them for fun not work. The potential of the meeting should dictate where the sales person goes to build relationships not the other way around.

Larson note: Relationship selling, positive selling bonds are good and necessary. But skills remain paramount. Relationship building provides the key to entry into discussions with your prospects. But to open the doors to a sale still takes skill and knowledge. To be top notched you need to learn both sides of the sales process, the people side and the skill side. USE both.

Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better


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