Wednesday, October 22, 2008

US Postal Service Revenue vs. Volume

US Postal Service Revenue
First Class Mail. . . 37.6B
Direct Mail . . . . . . 20.8B
Priority Mail . . . . 5.2B
Package Services . 2.3B
All Other . . . . . . . 9.2B

US Postal Service Mail Volume
First Class . . . . . . 95.9B
Direct Mail . . . . 103.5B
All Other . . . . . 12.8B


Larson note: We are blessed with a for the most part very efficient and inexpensive postal service. If direct mail was taken out of the mail mix would we have the same service that we now enjoy as a general public? I must say, regardless of the trees (which is a renewable recourse by the way [unlike oil] ) all the junk mail that I receive both home as well as office is paying for itself and allowing the postal service the monies needed to innovate and automate itself. The postal service does not loose money like other parts or government agencies.

Heck we don’t even have to lick a stamp now they come with a self-adhesive back now.

Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Telesales & Target Marketing Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better

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