Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Put Your Personality in Your Direct Mail

If you asked me what is the most important part of a direct mailing program I would be hard pressed to give you a good answer.

The offer
The Headline
The PS
The Envelope
The Price Point
The Design

All important and crucial aspects of a well designed put together mailing piece.

But if you pressed me, I mean really really backed me into a corner and pushed me to identify one element that causes a mailing package to flop (note the word flop not succeed) I would say that it is often a failure to communicate. Yes a failure to connect to the object to the mailing. If the offer comes across as sterile, corporate, non-personal, will I go any farther than the circular file?

A piece of mail is supposed to be personal, from a real person to me a real person. You talk to me, though the mail and I will take back to you in the way of a response to your offer. Easy, right?

The reality is most mailing packages are only concerned with what you want to sell me. If I want to buy, its your lucky day, I’ll pick up the phone, send the reply card back or long on to your web site and buy your stuff.

But if you want me, if you want to connect to me, you need to go way beyond just adding your signature printed in blue ink. You need to trigger emotions with in me, and you have to write with emotion and feeling to reach me, inside.

That is not to say that the offer has to be totally mind blowing, the headline grabbing me deep into your copy, the PS making me what to go back up into your copy and read your message since I did not read the first time though.

Beyond all this comes personality. You the sender’s personality. You’re a person, I’m a person, talk to me!

When the basic pieces of a mail package come together the package’s ability to connect with the reader is the part them makes or breaks a great direct mail adverting piece. Any copy writer can go down the old check list and make sure all the different elements are there and in place but a true genius can sit down and from the four walls of his office speak to me as if he were right there with me.

Larson note: We all want to be people, unique important individuals not just a statistic, I piece of raw meat to be bought. In today’s fast paced world all we seem to want is quantity, NOT quality. I say give me less but give me the best

Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Telesales & Target Marketing Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better

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