Thursday, October 23, 2008

Role of Customer Experience for Business Strategies

Critical 5. . . 64%
Critical 4. . . 27%
Critical 3. . . 7%
Critical 2 . . . 2%
Critical 1 . . . 0%

*Forrester Research 2007 sample 280

Larson note: If the object of your business is not to give exemplary service to your customers. If it is not to put the customer 1st in every way you can. If it is not to be a perfect supplier to your customer, why are you in business?

It is really sad that making the customer experience is only critical of 64% of companies. They (the customer) and they are your reason to be in business, or should be. We are all unique individuals with our own unique needs wants and desires so in business you should be following the Platinum Rule NOT the Golden Rule.

Platinum Rule: Do unto others as they wish to be done unto, not as you wish to have done unto you.

Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Telesales & Target Marketing Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better

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