Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Getting In The Customer’s Mind

The idea of having a business is to sell stuff. Now who do you sell to? People. People buy things, and the way to a customer’s wallet or check book is through their mind.

You need to be targeting messages to your targeted market segment buy putting yourself in the customer’s shoes. (I’m a size 10.5).

Right or wrong in today’s world if a customer or prospect stops hearing from you their first thought is that you have gone out of business. So a key point here is to not disappear or ever stop marketing. I’m not saying this because I have a marketing company here and do this for people and companies but because it is a fact! So start standing OUT!

So what would I do?

1st start by empowering comparative shoppers. What? Ya, put the power in the hands of the comparative shopper. What are you afraid of? Remember yesterday’s blog? You can’t sit back being afraid of talking about what makes you and your product/service the best of the best! You are in control if you initiate the conversation. Talk about what makes your service/product the best choice while providing objective positive (never ever bash a competitor, only you look bad).

2nd Challenge your customers to buy smarter! Give the customer (your) reasons to open up their check book and buy from you. You need to know your market and your customer but don’t be shy. Ask them to not only buy, but if it is (really) in their best interest ask them to buy more.

3rd Show genuine gratitude. Don’t be bashful, that is only good if you are asking Snow White out for a date. Let the customer know in no uncertain terms that you appreciate their business. Tell them; write them thank you notes, phone calls. This small but personal action can make all the difference for the next sale.

4th Reward customer loyalty. There are many ways to do this. Give them a “secret sale”, preferred customer rewards, customer appreciation events, customer only coupons. Let them know just how important they are to you.

5th Show confidence in our company and its products and services. Reinforce credibility. Kill any rumors. Position you and your company as the lead in your service niche.

6th Share the (good) news. No matter if it is about your company, you, the people you have working with you, crow a little. Put a little Peter Pan magic out there and stand up and crow the news out. With all the negative news filling out heads hearing a little good from where ever it comes from is almost always welcome. Unless, of course you’re Captain Hook.

7th Ask how you can help. Engage the customer? What does that mean? Talk to them. Ask about their special needs. Ask what the most challenging issue in their business is and find out how you can ease their pain. Use surveys both mailed and online, call them up and ask, use your social media tools to get responses.

8th Knows how to say, UffDa (or do you say Opps?) Mistakes happen, yes even here at the invincible perfect Larson & Associates. When they do know how to say I’m sorry.

9th Find ways to give value added services that don’t cost you. Use those surveys and reviews you have been sending out and receiving. There are probably some golden nuggets in those forms. Read them and act on them. Become an innovator. Value added or ever a new product or service might be in line for you.

10th Comfort First time buyers. When someone buys for the first time from you give them a follow up call, send them a “good choice” thank you note. Don’t disappear just because you made the sale. If you lucky to be adding new customers in this economy don’t take them for granted. Reassure them and thank them.

11th Update and inform the customer. They are now part of your family of loyal (we hope) happy customers. Make them feel the part.

12th Segment your customers for relevance. Different customers buy form you for different reasons and or products. Cut them into product lists so you can send them information on what is important to them and not someone else. If Joe and Mary buy Red Doogers and Tom, Sally and Rodger like Orange, group them together so you can use the same marketing message for the right people and not be sending out information that has no meaning for them. That only shows how you DON’T know your customer now what you know.

Larson Notes & Satire: You need to get and own your market segment in only 1 place. The customers mind. No one really cares if you are on the 1st page of a Google or yahoo search, although it is fun to brag about (type in telesales for printers and see how high Larson & Associates is today). It is not about buying up all the key words to get up on top of a search. It is about the customer buying from you, and you alone. There is no second place. Once their money is spent it’s gone. The mind of the customer is where you want your company to be.

Now think about it, when you think of telemarketing, lead generation, target marketing, web marketing, who do you think I want you to think of when you have money to spend on these kind of services? That’s right Me! I want you to think of Larson & Associates. Not because I’m greedy but because I believe in my heart I can give you the most bang for your buck. I truly believe I can give you a bigger payback than my competition.

Do you believe that you can do the same for your customers and prospects? If you can say yes, go out and do it. It you can’t rethink, reengineer your company. You can be the best at whatever you want to be. Be the Big Fish in the Little Pond. Come on in, the waters fine.

Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better

P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.

P.P.S. An American Company, marketing American Companies! Call or email to get an appointment to pick my brain (a $125.00 value) for 30 minutes.

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