Tuesday: Consumer Confidence,
Wednesday: Factory Orders
Thursday:, Construction Spending, Weekly initial jobless claims
Friday: Hourly Earnings Report
Last week sales of new homes fell to their lowest point on record in February. The results pointed to the housing industry's struggle to rebound from the worst slump in decades. Sales fell 2.2 percent last month. The Commerce Department said last Wednesday that orders for durable goods rose 0.5 percent last month. The increase was led by another surge in demand for commercial aircraft — an increase of 32.7 percent that followed a 134.9 percent rise in this category in January. Excluding transportation, orders posted a 0.9 percent increase, much better than the 0.6 percent decline in January. For the Gross Domestic Product last week, the economy grew at its fastest pace in six years, with a powerful 5.7 percent annualized rise in gross domestic product (GDP) last quarter. There is little evidence that inventory rebuilding has started a self-sustaining recovery. Exports rose 18 percent, and there was a 13 percent rise in business spending on equipment and software. As for unemployment? Well unemployment is up again, not down. Oh ya, it is not as up as fast as it was. Great unless you’re one of those with a pink slip.
The official figures for the nation were standing at 8.7%. Come on, you have got to be kidding me. In Illinois we are officially standing at 11.4% and even with those incorrect figures government officials are patting themselves on the back. My gosh man! These are people we are talking about!
Taken from the site Shadow Government Statistics we see a much different number. One that I would tend to believe more than the one the government uses.

So what line do you think shows the real unemployment figure? I’m betting on the gray for real unemployment and the blue for discouraged and under employed workers.
This will be fun. The number I’m really looking to see will be the Consumer Confidence on Tuesday and the Hourly Earnings report on Friday. Those 2 numbers will tell me what is really going on in people’s minds.
Larson Notes & Satire: In as much as all this is interesting we need people to feel good. To feel positive about what is happening out there in and for their future. People are still spending money but I see business spending still increasing more and exports staying robust. But ask me if I am very confident? Heck no.
We are still looking for sales persons in all areas. If you think you have want it takes to really make a difference in a client company’s bottom line, call me.

We are also in need of 1 to 3 at home appointment setters with printing and other various backgrounds.
If interested give us a call at 847-991-0488.
Howard’s out of office public schedule for the week:
Tuesday: Running Training 5:00am,
Thursday: Running Training 5:00am
Saturday: Marathon Training 6:00am,
Trade show schedule:
> April 14-15 Digital Signage Show & Kiosk Self Service Expo, Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas NV
> April 26-29 NA2010: The North American Material Handling & Logistics Show: I-X Center, Cleveland OH
> April 27-28 Design 2 Part Show Schaumburg Convention Center Schaumburg IL
> April 29 Greater O’Hare Chamber of Commerce Expo, Elk Gove Park District Pavilion, Elk Grove Village IL
> May 4-6, 2010 Process Technology & Intl Powder Bulk Solids Show(s) Donald E Stephens Convention Center, Rosemont Illinois
> May 12-13, 2010 OrthoTec Conference Orthopaedic Capital Center at Grace College Winona Lake (Warsaw), IN (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> June 8-10, 2010 EastPack 2010 Jacob K Javits Convention Center New York NY FL (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> June 23, Destination Showcase Conference & Expo; Donald E. Stevens Convention Center, Rosemont IL
Time slots still available to meet & talk over coffee.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. An American Company, marketing American Companies! Call or email to get an appointment to pick my brain (a $125.00 value) for 30 minutes.
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