Tuesday: Federal Reserve Meeting, February Housing Starts
Wednesday: February Producer Price Index
Thursday: February Consumer Price Index, February Leading Economic Indicators, Weekly initial jobless claims
At the top of the list for last week was that wholesale inventories fell 0.2% while sales increased 1.3%. With businesses are still trimming down inventories, which is a cost and selling more goods and services the ratio to inventories to sales dropped to a low of 1.1 meaning that it will take 1.1 months to deplete inventories. That number was the lowest since 1992. It is essential that inventory turnover stay tight but at 1.1 does that mean that more companies are looking at just-in-time delivery of goods and services? Can you give this kind of service to your customers?
On the home front household wealth in the USA grew in the 4th quarter and consumers cut back on borrowing at a wonderful pace to live more within their (our) means, Something ALL governments should take note of from Federal to State to Local and any other tax bodies that are hammering us with their oppressive taxation. Seems the reason there was a glitch in extending unemployment benefits was not because the US senator from Kentucky Jim Bunning was opposed to them but because he wanted the Senate to find the money to pay for them. In his own words “Just over a month ago Democrats passed pay-go legislation and then turned around and waived it for the next two major pieces of legislation that were considered by the Senate. What was the point of passing pay-go legislation?” Hats off to Senator Bunning.
Another highlight of last week was a smaller trade deficit and a slower job loss. We are still losing jobs but the pace is slowing. Better yet was the report that Caterpillar was considering building a new plant in the USA and closing one in Japan to CREATE 250 jobs.
As for what to expect his week if you want to hedge your bets, I’m feeling the Fed will leave interest rates where they are. Economy is way too fragile. The leading indicators will be up despite the job depression.
Larson Notes & Satire: Suppliers beware or go on the attack. If you are going to be the warehouse of choice for your customers be prepared or if you are in a financial situation where you can warehouse your customers’ goods, offer them a just-in-time deal and lock them into to using you on a long term contract. (Do a credit report on them before you get to tight?) If a service industry can be a just in time deliverer we at Larson’s are working at an over 100% capacity (yes that is called overtime and are looking at starting out one or 2 phone people in the next 2 weeks.) I could pick up more accounts right now but have not seen people flocking to work. Seems funning to have jobs sitting empty and unfilled.
I’m expecting a wild ride over the next month or two and will be held on the edge of my chair in wildly swinging excitement and stress. If my cash flow can keep up with my expected growth and my personal stamina can excel and propel me to where I want to be and there are no unexpected events that get in the way all will be well in Larson Land.
The focused industries we are looking to add clients in for the month are Advertising Specialties, Trade Show Booth Builder, Sign Shop, a Graphic Design Studio, and Printers both small and mid-sized in certain regional areas.
We are still looking for sales persons in all areas except
The Midwest, Great Plains States, South Central Regions.

We are also in need of 1 to 3 at home appointment setters with printing and other various backgrounds.
If interested give us a call at 847-991-0488.
Howard’s out of office public schedule for the week:
Tuesday: Running Training 5:00am,
Thursday: Running Training 5:00am
Saturday: Marathon Training 4:30am, Fast ends at sundown
Trade show schedule:
> March 14-16 2010 Internal Home and Housewares Show, McCormick Place, Chicago
> April 14-15 Digital Signage Show & Kiosk Self Service Expo, Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas NV
> April 26-29 NA2010: The North American Material Handling & Logistics Show: I-X Center, Cleveland OH
> April 27-28 Design 2 Part Show Schaumburg Convention Center Schaumburg IL
> April 29 Greater O’Hare Chamber of Commerce Expo, Elk Gove Park District Pavilion, Elk Grove Village IL
> May 4-6, 2010 Process Technology & Intl Powder Bulk Solids Show(s) Donald E Stephens Convention Center, Rosemont Illinois
> May 12-13, 2010 OrthoTec Conference Orthopaedic Capital Center at Grace College Winona Lake (Warsaw), IN (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> June 8-10, 2010 EastPack 2010 Jacob K Javits Convention Center New York NY FL (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> June 23, Destination Showcase Conference & Expo; Donald E. Stevens Convention Center, Rosemont IL
Time slots still available to meet & talk over coffee.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. An American Company, marketing American Companies! Call or email to get an appointment to pick my brain (a $125.00 value) for 30 minutes.
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