Tuesday: Existing Home Sales, Durable Goods Orders,
Thursday:, Weekly initial jobless claims
Friday: Gross Domestic Product
Last week the Fed did leave interest rates where they are, so if you are a borrower you don’t have to worry, at least for now. February industrial production increased 0.1%, Manufacturing production fell 0.2% and mining and utility output rose 0.2% and 0.5% respectively. Capacity utilization for total industry increased to 72.7%. My thoughts are that until inventories start to increase there is little hope for a big increase in manufacturing, but I was really happy to see an increase in utilization. As we get that figure higher companies only have 1 of 3 choices. Hire more people, buy new equipment with higher productivity, or outsource. Following four months of advances, headline producer price inflation eased in February. Producer prices dropped 0.6% on a monthly basis following a 1.4% rise in January. The slim rise in the Conference Board's index of leading economic indicators was the smallest gain in 11 months. The gauge of future economic activity rose 0.1 percent in February, suggesting slow economic growth this summer. My advice is to get yourself cranking to get more market share
This will be a pretty good week. Our exports are doing well so that should only help our domestic product, but orders are still going to be hurting
Larson Notes & Satire: My advice is to get yourself cracking to get more market share. We are not out of the recession woods yet, so the more of the market you own the stronger your company will be.
The focused industries we are looking to add clients in for the month are Advertising Specialties, Trade Show Booth Builder, Sign Shop, a Graphic Design Studio, and Printers both small and mid-sized in certain regional areas.
As for the Health Care bill? It passed for the good or bad. Personal freedom? Ya right. I wish the government would MAKE my prospects HAVE to buy my companies services. If it is so good why did the Speaker and the Prisident have to stong arm congressmen to pass it? Prediction: Stock prices on insurance companies are up over 10% minimum today.
We are still looking for sales persons in all regions.

We are also in need of 1 to 3 at home appointment setters with printing and other various backgrounds.
If interested give us a call at 847-991-0488.
Howard’s out of office public schedule for the week:
Tuesday: Running Training 5:00am,
Thursday: Running Training 5:00am
Saturday: Marathon Training 4:30am,
Trade show schedule:
> April 14-15 Digital Signage Show & Kiosk Self Service Expo, Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas NV
> April 26-29 NA2010: The North American Material Handling & Logistics Show: I-X Center, Cleveland OH
> April 27-28 Design 2 Part Show Schaumburg Convention Center Schaumburg IL
> April 29 Greater O’Hare Chamber of Commerce Expo, Elk Gove Park District Pavilion, Elk Grove Village IL
> May 4-6, 2010 Process Technology & Intl Powder Bulk Solids Show(s) Donald E Stephens Convention Center, Rosemont Illinois
> May 12-13, 2010 OrthoTec Conference Orthopaedic Capital Center at Grace College Winona Lake (Warsaw), IN (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> June 8-10, 2010 EastPack 2010 Jacob K Javits Convention Center New York NY FL (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> June 23, Destination Showcase Conference & Expo; Donald E. Stevens Convention Center, Rosemont IL
Time slots still available to meet & talk over coffee.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. An American Company, marketing American Companies! Call or email to get an appointment to pick my brain (a $125.00 value) for 30 minutes.
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