Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Coupon Price, Use and Size

Coupon Price
How important is price when making a purchasing decision on various items?

65% - VI 25% - SI / Travel
62% - VI 30% - SI / Electronics
57% - VI 32% - SI / Groceries
56% - VI 32% - SI / Home furniture
53% - VI 31% - SI / Auto Parts
46% - VI 36% - SI / Entertainment
46% - VI 29% - SI / Paper and Office Supplies
41% - VI 39% - SI Health & Wellness

* VI very important / SI somewhat important

Coupon use
How has your use of coupons recieved in the mail changed in the past year?

36% - IL 30% - II / Groceries
14% - IL 27% - II Health & Wellness
13% - IL 26% - II / Entertainment
11% - IL 27% - II / Electronics
11% - IL 22% - II / Auto Parts
11% - IL 22% - II / Paper and Office Supplies
11% - IL 19% - II / Travel
7% - IL 14% - II / Home furniture

** IL - Increased a lot II – Increased a little

Coupon size
What is the % of the offer or coupons that you receive by mail that leads to a purchase?

0% 6%
1-5% 51%
6-10% 24%
11-20% 11%
21+% 8%

Larson note: Where does your industry come in? Is you need to be in this area getting stronger? Do you need to be a player?

Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better

P.S. Get in control of your own marketing destiny with a guerilla marketing consultation. Call today and schedule your appointment.

Source: Direct Mail marketing Survey

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