Monday, December 22, 2008

Young Consumers Respond to Mail

People, all people read mail. My (under 25) kids come home and ask is there any mail for me. People love to receive mail.

If you look at the habits of your own families you will know I am right. The under 30 group of consumers are moving away from email and phone and into im and texting. I have had to put on unlimited texting options on all our phones. This is a mode of communication not advertising. Instant and now.

They are a very wary segment of people who know and understand more than the average marketer wants to give them credit for. Do your homework, engage and you stand a much better chance of connection and receptivity. Do your homework, make or find and buy the perfect list. Put away the silly myth that you are shooting money out at people who are not interested in you your company and your product. There are lest negatives aspects with direct mail than you might think. We are talking brand and company loyalty here.

Larson note: Sure, if you send me a catalogue on something I could care less about and it is going right into the circular file but send me one on running, camping, canoeing, or model trains and I’m going to sit down and look it over. Maybe even buy something. Send me a catalogue on American Dolls and well sorry, not my thing, no grand kids (yet). Send one of my sons a catalogue on snakes and reptiles and you got him, send him one on hamsters and zip out it goes in the recycling tub. People still, young and old, want to touch and feel things. They might be more apt to order online but there is still something ever with the under 30’s about sitting down and paging though a catalogue or getting a coupon or promotion form one of there favorite stores. Don’t believe me? Send out a promotion to your customers and see what happens.

If you have not been collecting this data, names, addresses, items bought start today. This is the makings of your primary mailing list. And best of all, it’s a free list!

Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better

P.S. Get in control of your own marketing destiny with a guerilla marketing consultation. Call today and schedule your appointment.

Source: Direct Mail marketing Survey

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