Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Business Relationships Built thru Mail

New Business Relationships
Have you ever used a new business for the first time because of information you received in the mail?

37% Yes
63% No

Renewed Business Relationships
Have you ever renewed a relationship with a business after a period of time bercuase you received a mailing or promotion offer?

68% Yes
32% No

A Careful Look at the Mail
Are you looking though your mail more carefully for coupons and promotional offers than 6 months ago?

64% Yes
36% No

Larson note: Pretty much across the board. Use coupons or mail and you get or regain customers.

Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better

P.S. Get in control of your own marketing destiny with a guerilla marketing consultation. Call today and schedule your appointment.

Source: Direct Mail marketing Survey

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Howard, these are really compelling statistics showing the impact mail can have. It's not surprising that people are looking through their mail more closely for deals, but the fact that 68% of people have renewed a business relationship after receiving mail after a lapse shows the immediate connection you can have through mail. Where can I find more information about the survey?