Thursday, February 14, 2013

Should You Be Mobile?

Was doing some reading this morning at the kitchen table.
>Expect 63% more people to be shopping on mobile devices during the next couple years
>Already 51% of people feel very comfortable making purchases from their mobile devices
>To people with mobile devices say the most important app features are:
>36% access coupons
>35% comparison shopping
>31% customer reviews
>28% make purchases
>26% track shipping

This leads me into asking should your company be doing mobile? B2B has been wondering about this I know but let’s take a closer look.

Mobile site and email traffic continues to skyrocket. In May alone, GigaOm reported that there are 5.5 devices per household, and they see that increasing to as many as 8 by 2016.

A recent study by Foolproof reported nearly half of consumers would not engage with a company if they had a poor mobile Web experience! And nearly 60% said they viewed a company as "being in touch" with them after having a positive mobile experience. Think about yourself. Look at your own thoughts and behavior, how likely are you to revisit a site after having a frustrating mobile experience with them, like “how dare they waste my time!”

You are facing a huge challenge. Your customers are becoming more savvy about marketing then you are. Their lives are a blur of offline and online interactions with friends, fans, family and favorite brands. Now we are going to increase the challenge with people on their smart phones and tablets and they expect to do the exact same things on those devices that they are doing on their desktop, but with very different constraints. When you don't make it easy for consumers to complete an action guess what? They won't. Marketers are leaving impressions, clicks, conversions, sales on the table, lost somewhere in cyber space when they don't create a seamless mobile experience for them.

By planning and designing the mobile experience, you can improve all your versions of your content including your desktop version. To do so, you the marketer need to understand the constraints smart phones and tablets put in place and really align your marketing strategies to their behavior.

Let’s be honest here, every, yes EVERY channel has constraints. In email, you have rules for each mail client. In direct mail, you need to work in a more traditional structure to print what you want or do you, think variable data.

Mobile, which is what we are talking about, makes viewing your web site and content to conform to a new set of limitations, rules and opportunities. By embracing these constraints, you can find explosive ways to talk to customers. In a network there are a substantial number of phones that are able to get on the 4G LTE network and amazing as it might seem, a mobile network is even faster at loading Web pages than some desktop computers. Most phones, however, are still on a 3G network, so they have slower loading times. And then (death warmed over) there are certain places (like that dead spot in the corner of house) where they just don't get service.

Larson Notes & Satire:  Ok so you have a printing company. Maybe you have a small copy shop. Think of all those Brides out there shopping for Save-the-Date and Wedding announcements.

You have a large web shop printing 100 page catalogs. That worried buyer, you know the person who graduated from college 3 years ago, is worried about getting them on time and tracks his shipment.

Should I go on? That CFO who gets lost on his way to the press check?

So you might want to think about your next step. We put it all together with a powerful knowledge and experience base.

If you want your business to be more, call us for an appointment.

Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better

P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.

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