Monday, January 31, 2011

The Reverse Funnel System

To start out I am NOT talking about The Reverse Funnel System (RFS) that is a Pyramid scheme or Multi-level marketing device originated by Ty Coughlin and his company, InnerCircle.

I am talking about a sales system like the funnel system I talked about Friday in which we turn the funnel upside down than tell or sell to one person who tells their friends who tell their friends etc until you funnel opening which is upside down is literally pouring out people.

You can call it The Reverse Funnel System, WOM or Word of Mouth, of the Evangelism System. Whatever you want to call it the basic idea is that your marketing message grows as it filters down your friend and follower system.

With a more traditional marketing attack loyalty is attributed to the buyer. That makes sense doesn’t it? The person who buys from you is the one who you want to reward. We went out and just kept finding more and more buyers buy going out and filtering out more and more prospects.

With this “system” if we can call it that we don’t focus so much on the buyer as much as the person who has the greatest ability to “influence” others. The average consumer and prospect might ignore your marketing message but with the value of the evangelist speaking out in favor of you and your service/product you have an advocate out here on review sites, message boards and social media sites singing your praises.

If you are an e-commerce marketer who wants to capitalize on the out spoken influential group of people consider these points of action:

1st Keep it simple. Create content that is easy to copy paste so it easily be but into blogs, Facebook and other social media pages.

2nd Leverage the emotional connection between the evangelist and your brand. What this actually means to you the online marketer is that when a buyer and your band connect they will have a genuine love of speaking out. This essential emotional quality is going to help with your retention, cross selling and additional acquisition of finding more customers.

3rd Content is king.! If you’re going to go on t and leverage yourself with interaction and connections between consumers who are proactive and searching for more service/product information and you have brand advocates and evangelists pushing your message out to the far reaches of the internet. Keeping fresh and updated content on your pages and blogs is essential. No one likes stale crackers.

4th Connect your social media efforts with some other kind of marketing channel. Email, direct mail, telemarketing. When two (or more) channels are combined you stand an even greater chance of making stronger more lasting connections with your potential prospects.

5th Reward and recognize your evangelists. A good customer should not be identified solely by their purchases and your company reward system. Find ways to publically thank them. You might see me doing this in my blog and Facebook fan page where I will bring out other social media sites that have giving one of my blogs recognition or a person who has spoken out on my behalf.

Larson Notes & Satire: Funnel or revere funnel it’s all about reaching out and touching prospects. The more prospects that are touched the better the odds of making a sale. And isn’t making a sale what we are in business to do? That and make a profit?

Can you Take the Larson Challenge to double your sales this year and get listed on our web site @ ?

Need help in pouring in new sales leads into your sales funnel. That is what we here at Larson’s do. Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition

Making good businesses great and great businesses even better

Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better

P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.

P.P.S. Take the Larson Challenge to double your sales this year and get listed on our web site @ . Email us your company name and web address to get listed. Make this year your best ever!

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