I spend so much time pushing goods and services that sometimes I forget to look at the shelf to see if it is full or not.
During a recession managing relationships on the supplier side can take on a different tone. If a key supplier goes out of business you could be in trouble. As a buyer you need to work with your existing suppliers during these tough times, while at the same time developing alternative sources of needed goods and services for a worst case scenario.
I have been a big advocate in setting out 1 month, 3 month, 1 year and 5 year goals and plans so what part does forecasting your raw material needs do and (oh my gosh) sharing it with your suppliers so they can plan better. This is a way you can keep your supply pipeline full so you have the stock to sell, sell, sell.
Larson Notes: Can’t sell off an empty shelf. If you can work with your suppliers they can give you the kind of help you need to keep your inventory (cost) low and your sales (gain) high and your product turnover rations above your competition. In addition, your supplier might be able to help you in your inventory control. You might want to have an idea of how much of a % your business is to a given supplier. If you need to decrease the business you will want to know how much that will impact a one of your (key) suppliers. That way you know if you need to have a back up list of potential suppliers, which is always good to have anyway.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Lessons Of A Chronic Marketer
Who really runs the show? That’s right your customers. If you’re not listening you your customers you are in deep trouble. If you are reading this you are already well on your way to being a top flight marketer.
Lesson 1: Listen. If you are reading this you are 9 times out of 10 already involved in SM marketing in some way shape or form. So, take it to the next level. This involves listening to what is really being said in the marketplace. Set up forum questions, Make poles. Do what it takes to find ways to get your customers talking and, telling you want they REALLY think.
Lesson 2: You don’t own your product, your customers do. So you’re the boss? Think again. You can be fired; your customers can just stop buying from you. Who are they, what do they want. Try a customer review board. They will tell you if you give them the chance. Be prepared to not like what you might hear so keep your mind totally open
Lesson 3: Values and culture is important but not off limits to change. Just because you have a company culture does not mean you need to keep it right where it is. You are growing and evolving, your company is as so is the world. Ever growing, ever changing. Don’t be an ostrich and get your head suck in the sand. Change can be good. Not change for changes sake but changes for growth.
Lesson 4: Explore new platforms and channels to market in, regardless of age. It seems every week there is some new way to be marketing yourself and your company, or old ways change. Some are tried and true like telemarketing and direct mail; others like the evolving world of twitter, nings and Facebook are only starting to become viable.
Lesson 5: Sharpen your opperations. What is your biggest weak link? Operations, production, staffing? Whatever it is, where ever it is, find it, examine it, fist it. Then find your next weakest link on a never ending crusade to perfection.
Larson Notes: Nothing stays the same. That much I can tell you. It gets easier and harder all at the same time. For me, I’ll sit down with a cup of coffee and think, where is my market at, where is it going, what does it need that I can UNIQUELLY give it. Write it down, set a time schedule and do it.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Lesson 1: Listen. If you are reading this you are 9 times out of 10 already involved in SM marketing in some way shape or form. So, take it to the next level. This involves listening to what is really being said in the marketplace. Set up forum questions, Make poles. Do what it takes to find ways to get your customers talking and, telling you want they REALLY think.
Lesson 2: You don’t own your product, your customers do. So you’re the boss? Think again. You can be fired; your customers can just stop buying from you. Who are they, what do they want. Try a customer review board. They will tell you if you give them the chance. Be prepared to not like what you might hear so keep your mind totally open
Lesson 3: Values and culture is important but not off limits to change. Just because you have a company culture does not mean you need to keep it right where it is. You are growing and evolving, your company is as so is the world. Ever growing, ever changing. Don’t be an ostrich and get your head suck in the sand. Change can be good. Not change for changes sake but changes for growth.
Lesson 4: Explore new platforms and channels to market in, regardless of age. It seems every week there is some new way to be marketing yourself and your company, or old ways change. Some are tried and true like telemarketing and direct mail; others like the evolving world of twitter, nings and Facebook are only starting to become viable.
Lesson 5: Sharpen your opperations. What is your biggest weak link? Operations, production, staffing? Whatever it is, where ever it is, find it, examine it, fist it. Then find your next weakest link on a never ending crusade to perfection.
Larson Notes: Nothing stays the same. That much I can tell you. It gets easier and harder all at the same time. For me, I’ll sit down with a cup of coffee and think, where is my market at, where is it going, what does it need that I can UNIQUELLY give it. Write it down, set a time schedule and do it.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Week Ahead November 23-27, 2009
Monday: Existing Home Sales,
Tuesday: Gross Domestic Product, Consumer Confidence
Wednesday: Personal Income and Consumption, Weekly initial jobless claims
Thursday: Thanksgiving Day
Friday: Black Friday, New Home Sales, Crude Inventories
Larson Notes: People are sitting back wondering if they are next to get the pink slip. There is not much room to maneuver in the marketing right now. Retail has been trying to stretch out Christmas by trying to get customers buying sooner thus spend more than we might have been planning. With Obama running around the world getting the “right wingers” (I cannot call Right Wing politicians and people conservatives) all mad at him for bowing in Japan and then not making any head way in China look for stormy wreathing ahead.
With a condensed week things will come fast and furious with mixed results. Then we take a break on Thursday and cringe on Friday. Sorry I just don’t see good things happening. There is a lot of talk on the street as to if we are in a bubble. I would be lying to say I am not worried about the bubble effect. Keep your head on and push your company hard! That is the only way I see to get to the other side.
The focused industries we are looking to add clients in for the month are Advertising Specialties, Trade Show Booth Builder, Sign Shop, a Graphic Design Studio, and Printer both small and mid-sized.
We are still looking for sales persons in all areas except
Tuesday: Gross Domestic Product, Consumer Confidence
Wednesday: Personal Income and Consumption, Weekly initial jobless claims
Thursday: Thanksgiving Day
Friday: Black Friday, New Home Sales, Crude Inventories
Larson Notes: People are sitting back wondering if they are next to get the pink slip. There is not much room to maneuver in the marketing right now. Retail has been trying to stretch out Christmas by trying to get customers buying sooner thus spend more than we might have been planning. With Obama running around the world getting the “right wingers” (I cannot call Right Wing politicians and people conservatives) all mad at him for bowing in Japan and then not making any head way in China look for stormy wreathing ahead.
With a condensed week things will come fast and furious with mixed results. Then we take a break on Thursday and cringe on Friday. Sorry I just don’t see good things happening. There is a lot of talk on the street as to if we are in a bubble. I would be lying to say I am not worried about the bubble effect. Keep your head on and push your company hard! That is the only way I see to get to the other side.
The focused industries we are looking to add clients in for the month are Advertising Specialties, Trade Show Booth Builder, Sign Shop, a Graphic Design Studio, and Printer both small and mid-sized.
We are still looking for sales persons in all areas except

the Great Plains States.
If interested give us a call at 847-991-0488.
Howard’s out of office public schedule for the week:
Monday: Tuesday: Running Training 6:30am,
Wednesday: Thursday: Running Training 6:30am
Friday: Saturday:
Sunday: Marathon Training
Trade show schedule:
> December 2-4, 2009 The Intl. Work Boat Show, New Orleans LA (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> December 3-5, 2009 Athletic Business Conference & Expo, Orlando FL (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> March 14-16 Internal Home and Housewares Show, McCormick Place, Chicago
Time slots still available to meet & talk over coffee.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. An American Company, marketing American Companies! Call or email to get an appointment to pick my brain for 30 minutes.
If interested give us a call at 847-991-0488.
Howard’s out of office public schedule for the week:
Monday: Tuesday: Running Training 6:30am,
Wednesday: Thursday: Running Training 6:30am
Friday: Saturday:
Sunday: Marathon Training
Trade show schedule:
> December 2-4, 2009 The Intl. Work Boat Show, New Orleans LA (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> December 3-5, 2009 Athletic Business Conference & Expo, Orlando FL (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> March 14-16 Internal Home and Housewares Show, McCormick Place, Chicago
Time slots still available to meet & talk over coffee.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. An American Company, marketing American Companies! Call or email to get an appointment to pick my brain for 30 minutes.
Friday, November 20, 2009
5 Marketing Ideas To Try
Here are 5 proven marketing ideas to test in your next program.
Being a Chicago Ad Man I know that every one starts on the same level playing field. We all have the same list access, we all have the same creative talent base to tap off of, so what makes us different in our results?
Here are 5 classic ideas you might be overlooking.
Big Format: The first idea is to go big. In direct mail big is usually better. By enlarging the size of your direct mail packages form a #11 to a #12 or maybe going up to a 9”x12”. If you are using postcards try an oversized postcard.
An Innovation: People love to be invited to events. It could be a seminar, a special sale offer, a new product offering.
Popular Offer: Tell people this is your most popular offer and that supplies are limited. If they know everyone once else has it, wants it and its in limited supply. . .
Involvement: Get your prospect involved in the offer. Stickers, stamps, click backs make them part of the program
Personalization: As Dale Carnegie said, “Nothing is sweeter to anyone than the sound of their own name.” With today’s digital presses you have can have the power of personal flexibility in your marketing.
You may not like the ideas I have presented here. Ok. So how do you find you great big idea? First study your competition. What are your competitors doing? Second, do some research. When you do a little looking you might find that one idea that lets everything else fall into place. Talk to your sales people, talk to your customers talk to your prospects. They will tell you what they want.
Larson Notes: It only takes 1. One big idea to double your sales. Be brave, be brash be audacious!
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Being a Chicago Ad Man I know that every one starts on the same level playing field. We all have the same list access, we all have the same creative talent base to tap off of, so what makes us different in our results?
Here are 5 classic ideas you might be overlooking.
Big Format: The first idea is to go big. In direct mail big is usually better. By enlarging the size of your direct mail packages form a #11 to a #12 or maybe going up to a 9”x12”. If you are using postcards try an oversized postcard.
An Innovation: People love to be invited to events. It could be a seminar, a special sale offer, a new product offering.
Popular Offer: Tell people this is your most popular offer and that supplies are limited. If they know everyone once else has it, wants it and its in limited supply. . .
Involvement: Get your prospect involved in the offer. Stickers, stamps, click backs make them part of the program
Personalization: As Dale Carnegie said, “Nothing is sweeter to anyone than the sound of their own name.” With today’s digital presses you have can have the power of personal flexibility in your marketing.
You may not like the ideas I have presented here. Ok. So how do you find you great big idea? First study your competition. What are your competitors doing? Second, do some research. When you do a little looking you might find that one idea that lets everything else fall into place. Talk to your sales people, talk to your customers talk to your prospects. They will tell you what they want.
Larson Notes: It only takes 1. One big idea to double your sales. Be brave, be brash be audacious!
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Keeping Happy Returning Customers
How do you keep your customers happy and returning time and time again?
If you are able to maintain regular communication with all your customers you are maintaining the most critical part of a successful relationship. You need to engage with them in order to provide value that goes beyond just your product or service. One way is to create forums where your customers can come and discuss experiences while you participate. This can be done face to face or online. The technology is out there.
Larson Notes: The key is engagement. Keep in front of them all the time everywhere you can. There is an old adage in the advertising business that says that people only see 1 out of every 3 messages that are put in front of them regardless of the medium and that it takes 9 “hits” to make a sale, so that is 27 messages that you need to be making to get a new customer. Repeat customers are, easier. Social Media, CRM tools it is much easier and harder today that it was 10 years ago. Easier because the tracking tools and mediums are more readily available. Harder because there is more marketing traffic and messages flowing out there and people expect it.
Oh and don't underestimate your blog.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
If you are able to maintain regular communication with all your customers you are maintaining the most critical part of a successful relationship. You need to engage with them in order to provide value that goes beyond just your product or service. One way is to create forums where your customers can come and discuss experiences while you participate. This can be done face to face or online. The technology is out there.
Larson Notes: The key is engagement. Keep in front of them all the time everywhere you can. There is an old adage in the advertising business that says that people only see 1 out of every 3 messages that are put in front of them regardless of the medium and that it takes 9 “hits” to make a sale, so that is 27 messages that you need to be making to get a new customer. Repeat customers are, easier. Social Media, CRM tools it is much easier and harder today that it was 10 years ago. Easier because the tracking tools and mediums are more readily available. Harder because there is more marketing traffic and messages flowing out there and people expect it.
Oh and don't underestimate your blog.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Direct Mail Works When The Target Is Gone
Direct mail has a cost that you need to be able to handle in this recession, and it is easy to put snail mail and park it as a bad way to market but I beg to differ.
Experience shows that many B2B marketing campaigns actually have a better ROI (Return On Investment) than an email campaign when done as a standalone unit. E-Mail is less expensive so why? Consider this first direct mail lists are more plentiful and generally cleaner that an e-mail list you might get.
Second, most of us are still mush more accepting of unsolicited mail than we are of unsolicited email at work.
Third, direct mail will still get delivered even if the intended receiver is no longer employed with the company. Email gets turned off. If you think of the millions of people who are no longer employed, those in a buyers position probably had an email address which is now a dead bounce back. Btu someone still has a job there (unless the whole company is now unemployed) and is doing the task that was being down by the person you were trying to contact. Good chance the mail, your mail, will go to them.
Forth, is because direct mail features an almost unlimited number of creative possibilities that can allow it to stand out from your every day mail.
Larson Notes: Not everything has gone up in price over the last year. It is a fact that direct mail has actually decreased in the last year as paper mills and printers are struggling to keep their equipment running. If you can, now is a great time to test the market with direct mail and see if it is a good ROI for your company.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Experience shows that many B2B marketing campaigns actually have a better ROI (Return On Investment) than an email campaign when done as a standalone unit. E-Mail is less expensive so why? Consider this first direct mail lists are more plentiful and generally cleaner that an e-mail list you might get.
Second, most of us are still mush more accepting of unsolicited mail than we are of unsolicited email at work.
Third, direct mail will still get delivered even if the intended receiver is no longer employed with the company. Email gets turned off. If you think of the millions of people who are no longer employed, those in a buyers position probably had an email address which is now a dead bounce back. Btu someone still has a job there (unless the whole company is now unemployed) and is doing the task that was being down by the person you were trying to contact. Good chance the mail, your mail, will go to them.
Forth, is because direct mail features an almost unlimited number of creative possibilities that can allow it to stand out from your every day mail.
Larson Notes: Not everything has gone up in price over the last year. It is a fact that direct mail has actually decreased in the last year as paper mills and printers are struggling to keep their equipment running. If you can, now is a great time to test the market with direct mail and see if it is a good ROI for your company.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Week Ahead November 16-20, 2009
Monday: Retail Sales, Business Inventories
Tuesday: Producer Price Index, Industrial Production,
Wednesday: Housing Starts and Building Permits, Consumer Price Index
Thursday: Weekly initial jobless claims,
Friday: Leading Indicators
Larson Notes: I guess the good news is that fewer people went on the unemployment line. First time joblessness was at 502,000 and it takes fewer than ~425,000 job losses to start to gain. With the official jobless rate at 10.2 but the real jobless rate at 17.5 or higher we need to keep out collective heads on. The last time we saw job gains was December of 2007. Two years is a long time to be shedding jobs.
As reported a week ago with the economy growing at 3.5% last quarter there is hope of better things to come, if only there are people out there to buy things.
This week we have a full, and I mean full week of reports coming out. I plan on sitting tight and letting it play out while I stick to my marketing and game plan. I see good things coming but it will take a while for the dust to settle. I would look for still low business inventories, better industrial production good housing starts and excellent leading indicators.
The focused industries we are looking to add clients in for the month are Advertising Specialties, Trade Show Booth Builder, Sign Shop, a Graphic Design Studio, and Printer both small and mid-sized.
We are still looking for sales persons in all areas except

the Great Plains States.
If interested give us a call at 847-991-0488.
Howard’s out of office public schedule for the week:
Tuesday: Running Training 6:30am,
Wednesday: Thursday: Running Training 6:30am
Friday: Saturday:
Sunday: Marathon Training
Trade show schedule:
> November 15-18, 2009 Fabtech Int. & AWS Welding Show McCormick Place, Chicago
> December 2-4, 2009 The Intl. Work Boat Show, New Orleans LA (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> December 3-5, 2009 Athletic Business Conference & Expo, Orlando FL (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> March 14-16 Internal Home and Housewares Show, McCormick Place, Chicago
Time slots still available to meet & talk over coffee.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Tuesday: Producer Price Index, Industrial Production,
Wednesday: Housing Starts and Building Permits, Consumer Price Index
Thursday: Weekly initial jobless claims,
Friday: Leading Indicators
Larson Notes: I guess the good news is that fewer people went on the unemployment line. First time joblessness was at 502,000 and it takes fewer than ~425,000 job losses to start to gain. With the official jobless rate at 10.2 but the real jobless rate at 17.5 or higher we need to keep out collective heads on. The last time we saw job gains was December of 2007. Two years is a long time to be shedding jobs.
As reported a week ago with the economy growing at 3.5% last quarter there is hope of better things to come, if only there are people out there to buy things.
This week we have a full, and I mean full week of reports coming out. I plan on sitting tight and letting it play out while I stick to my marketing and game plan. I see good things coming but it will take a while for the dust to settle. I would look for still low business inventories, better industrial production good housing starts and excellent leading indicators.
The focused industries we are looking to add clients in for the month are Advertising Specialties, Trade Show Booth Builder, Sign Shop, a Graphic Design Studio, and Printer both small and mid-sized.
We are still looking for sales persons in all areas except

the Great Plains States.
If interested give us a call at 847-991-0488.
Howard’s out of office public schedule for the week:
Tuesday: Running Training 6:30am,
Wednesday: Thursday: Running Training 6:30am
Friday: Saturday:
Sunday: Marathon Training
Trade show schedule:
> November 15-18, 2009 Fabtech Int. & AWS Welding Show McCormick Place, Chicago
> December 2-4, 2009 The Intl. Work Boat Show, New Orleans LA (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> December 3-5, 2009 Athletic Business Conference & Expo, Orlando FL (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> March 14-16 Internal Home and Housewares Show, McCormick Place, Chicago
Time slots still available to meet & talk over coffee.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
7 Tips for Networking on Twitter
7 Tips for Networking on Twitter
by Al Ferretti and Skeeter Hansen
The secret to networking on Twitter is to harness the power of your tweets. All things being equal, people will do business with, and refer business to, those people they know, like, and trust.
With that being said networking on Twitter is all about three core values; engaging, building relationships and providing value in your tweets.
1. Engaging: You will make more friends and attract more followers by becoming interested in other people versus trying to get other people interested in you. The key to engaging with others on Twitter is making the other person feel important. A great way to connect with someone new is to give them a compliment. There’s always something nice to say about someone.
2. Building Relationships: People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. With Twitter, People can get to know, like, and trust you much faster and more efficiently than traditional means of marketing by focusing on one major step when building relationships, the follow-up.
3. The Fortune is in the follow-up. Many successful business owners have discovered when following up with people has made all the difference to their business. If you don’t follow-up with people, your competitors will.
4. Providing Value: Your true worth is determined by how much more you provide in value than you take in payment. When you effectively engage and build relationships by providing value and give people what they want you will gain new and repeat customers with Twitter.
5. Be the referral source: by referring a persons business to other people. There is simply no better way to get someone to want to do something for you, than first doing something for them.
6 Connecting: Before you connect with someone go to their blog/website and do some basic research. Visit their about page and send a tweet with a positive comment about them or their business. Doing this will show them you took the time and are being thoughtful.
7. Tweetups:This is an excellent opportunity to meet with multiple people at one time in person. Meeting your friends and followers in a group setting will give you the option to share ideas and take your relationships to the next level.
Using these 7 tips for networking on twitter can generate beneficial results for your business fast and it can also be a lot of fun
Larson Notes: Remember this is social networking not social media spamming. Relationships and value it, at least to me the key. If you care about other people they will care about you. If you give people the value about your company that they need and want that perceived value will carry you father than any spam marketing attack you can put though to your friends and followers.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
by Al Ferretti and Skeeter Hansen
The secret to networking on Twitter is to harness the power of your tweets. All things being equal, people will do business with, and refer business to, those people they know, like, and trust.
With that being said networking on Twitter is all about three core values; engaging, building relationships and providing value in your tweets.
1. Engaging: You will make more friends and attract more followers by becoming interested in other people versus trying to get other people interested in you. The key to engaging with others on Twitter is making the other person feel important. A great way to connect with someone new is to give them a compliment. There’s always something nice to say about someone.
2. Building Relationships: People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. With Twitter, People can get to know, like, and trust you much faster and more efficiently than traditional means of marketing by focusing on one major step when building relationships, the follow-up.
3. The Fortune is in the follow-up. Many successful business owners have discovered when following up with people has made all the difference to their business. If you don’t follow-up with people, your competitors will.
4. Providing Value: Your true worth is determined by how much more you provide in value than you take in payment. When you effectively engage and build relationships by providing value and give people what they want you will gain new and repeat customers with Twitter.
5. Be the referral source: by referring a persons business to other people. There is simply no better way to get someone to want to do something for you, than first doing something for them.
6 Connecting: Before you connect with someone go to their blog/website and do some basic research. Visit their about page and send a tweet with a positive comment about them or their business. Doing this will show them you took the time and are being thoughtful.
7. Tweetups:This is an excellent opportunity to meet with multiple people at one time in person. Meeting your friends and followers in a group setting will give you the option to share ideas and take your relationships to the next level.
Using these 7 tips for networking on twitter can generate beneficial results for your business fast and it can also be a lot of fun
Larson Notes: Remember this is social networking not social media spamming. Relationships and value it, at least to me the key. If you care about other people they will care about you. If you give people the value about your company that they need and want that perceived value will carry you father than any spam marketing attack you can put though to your friends and followers.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
African American Market Power
With African American buying power project to reach $1.2 trillion by 2013 marketers are already looking for ways to capitalize on those dollars. Understand this, simply featuring an African American in your campaign does not work, you MUST recognize and speak to the distinctions with in this consumer segment.
African American buying power in 2008 in 2008 stood at $913 Billion Dollars up 187% from the $318 Billion in 1990
86% of African American women say advertisers need to do a better jog marketing to them especially in the automotive, banking, travel, heath care and fast food industries
Projected percent of African Americans share of the nation’s total buying power will be 8.8% in 2013.
The average African American teen spends $96.00 a month on average. That is 20% more than the average US teen of any demographic group.
An African American is more likely that the average US consumer to respond to a company’s efforts to be more environmentally responsible
African Americans recall magazine ads 9% more frequently and take action to them 15% more often compared to all other reader groups.
Larson Notes: If these numbers don’t make you stand up and take notice I have to wonder about you.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
African American buying power in 2008 in 2008 stood at $913 Billion Dollars up 187% from the $318 Billion in 1990
86% of African American women say advertisers need to do a better jog marketing to them especially in the automotive, banking, travel, heath care and fast food industries
Projected percent of African Americans share of the nation’s total buying power will be 8.8% in 2013.
The average African American teen spends $96.00 a month on average. That is 20% more than the average US teen of any demographic group.
An African American is more likely that the average US consumer to respond to a company’s efforts to be more environmentally responsible
African Americans recall magazine ads 9% more frequently and take action to them 15% more often compared to all other reader groups.
Larson Notes: If these numbers don’t make you stand up and take notice I have to wonder about you.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Monday, November 9, 2009
The Week Ahead November 9-13, 2009
Thursday: Weekly initial jobless claims,
Friday: Trade Balance
Larson Notes: As expected everything was good except employment. Did you really think we would not hit unemployment over 10%. But the good news was there. Interest rates remain low. With inventory levels low production levels were raised. And productivity are higher, Government extended the home buyers tax rebate, but the heath care squeaked though the house even with a large group of democratic congressmen voting know. Did you know you can be put in jail under this bill without proper health care? Yes really somewhere on page 948 or something.
This week? If you base your thought pattern on the employment rate, take a vacation, it is still going south, but the trade balance will look brighter. Lets keep shipping American goods and services overseas! So be sad or happy, your choice
The focused industries we are looking to add clients in for the month are Advertising Specialties, Trade Show Booth Builder, Sign Shop, a Graphic Design Studio, and Printer both small and mid-sized.
We are still looking for sales persons in all areas except
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Thursday: Weekly initial jobless claims,
Friday: Trade Balance
Larson Notes: As expected everything was good except employment. Did you really think we would not hit unemployment over 10%. But the good news was there. Interest rates remain low. With inventory levels low production levels were raised. And productivity are higher, Government extended the home buyers tax rebate, but the heath care squeaked though the house even with a large group of democratic congressmen voting know. Did you know you can be put in jail under this bill without proper health care? Yes really somewhere on page 948 or something.
This week? If you base your thought pattern on the employment rate, take a vacation, it is still going south, but the trade balance will look brighter. Lets keep shipping American goods and services overseas! So be sad or happy, your choice
The focused industries we are looking to add clients in for the month are Advertising Specialties, Trade Show Booth Builder, Sign Shop, a Graphic Design Studio, and Printer both small and mid-sized.
We are still looking for sales persons in all areas except

the Great Plains States.
If interested give us a call at 847-991-0488.
Howard’s out of office public schedule for the week:
If interested give us a call at 847-991-0488.
Howard’s out of office public schedule for the week:
Tuesday: Running Training 6:30am,
Thursday: Running Training 6:30am
Sunday: Fabtech Int.
Trade show schedule:
> November 15-18, 2009 Fabtech Int. & AWS Welding Show McCormick Place, Chicago
> December 2-4, 2009 The Intl. Work Boat Show, New Orleans LA (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> December 3-5, 2009 Athletic Business Conference & Expo, Orlando FL (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> March 14-16 Internal Home and Housewares Show, McCormick Place, Chicago
Time slots still available to meet & talk over coffee.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
Sunday: Fabtech Int.
Trade show schedule:
> November 15-18, 2009 Fabtech Int. & AWS Welding Show McCormick Place, Chicago
> December 2-4, 2009 The Intl. Work Boat Show, New Orleans LA (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> December 3-5, 2009 Athletic Business Conference & Expo, Orlando FL (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> March 14-16 Internal Home and Housewares Show, McCormick Place, Chicago
Time slots still available to meet & talk over coffee.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Social Media For Lead Generation?
What should you be doing when using the various Social Media Networking sites to generate business leads?
Social Media Networking is about reaching people who know little or nothing about you and engage them on a person level with a friendly warm approach. And example would be if you sold running shoes. You could set up a facebook group or a Twitter feed showing your interest and knowledge in the area of specialty shoes. Of course only people how are looking to talk specialty running shoes would be signing up, but isn’t that who you want to talking to?
The key issue in SM networking and marketing is TRUST. You are not working to make one hit wonders here, but to engage the prospect, friend, follower or what ever you are calling them, to demonstrate to this person your passion an knowledge about the subject sharing with them some of “you” to get them to want to engage in a discussion back. Remember people buy from friends. If you twit saying “back from a 10 mile trail run in 76:21” that alone will let them know you’re on the same page as they are with the same passion and interest and begin the start of a long term “fan”
Larson Notes: This is not about name collection, but active engagement and knowledge sharing. Interesting in Marketing join our ning site (http://businesswarfare.ning.com/profile/HowardLarson ) follow our blog ( http://member.merchantcircle.com/larsonassociates
) or become a Facebook Fan. Interesting in running and coaching try(http://pacerrunners.ning.com/profile/howard_larson )
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Social Media Networking is about reaching people who know little or nothing about you and engage them on a person level with a friendly warm approach. And example would be if you sold running shoes. You could set up a facebook group or a Twitter feed showing your interest and knowledge in the area of specialty shoes. Of course only people how are looking to talk specialty running shoes would be signing up, but isn’t that who you want to talking to?
The key issue in SM networking and marketing is TRUST. You are not working to make one hit wonders here, but to engage the prospect, friend, follower or what ever you are calling them, to demonstrate to this person your passion an knowledge about the subject sharing with them some of “you” to get them to want to engage in a discussion back. Remember people buy from friends. If you twit saying “back from a 10 mile trail run in 76:21” that alone will let them know you’re on the same page as they are with the same passion and interest and begin the start of a long term “fan”
Larson Notes: This is not about name collection, but active engagement and knowledge sharing. Interesting in Marketing join our ning site (http://businesswarfare.ning.com/profile/HowardLarson ) follow our blog ( http://member.merchantcircle.com/larsonassociates
) or become a Facebook Fan. Interesting in running and coaching try(http://pacerrunners.ning.com/profile/howard_larson )
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
CRM Does Not Mean Customer Satisfaction
So you finally did it. You went out and made the investment in some fancy CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software, Excelent Now what. You really think that is the key to giving you higher Customer Satisfaction ratings?
Ha! Although companies continue to spend a fair amount of money on all sorts of CRM solutions their customer satisfaction ratings have seen little if any improvement.
With traditional CRM technology the focus is on consolidation customer data not managing customer requests. It seems that customer requests are still only bounced around between different departments in the CRP “silo” electroicaly now. Even the best of the best CRM strategy won’t work unless customer requests can be managed from start to finish.
Larson Notes: The key here is to think of CRM activies from eh customers point of view. If you can take your CRM strategy and business process initiatives with the emphasis on the customer you will be able to deliver a greater value to the customer and do it faster
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Ha! Although companies continue to spend a fair amount of money on all sorts of CRM solutions their customer satisfaction ratings have seen little if any improvement.
With traditional CRM technology the focus is on consolidation customer data not managing customer requests. It seems that customer requests are still only bounced around between different departments in the CRP “silo” electroicaly now. Even the best of the best CRM strategy won’t work unless customer requests can be managed from start to finish.
Larson Notes: The key here is to think of CRM activies from eh customers point of view. If you can take your CRM strategy and business process initiatives with the emphasis on the customer you will be able to deliver a greater value to the customer and do it faster
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Can-Spam Compliance is not Guaranteed Delivery
Just because you are a good soldier and comply with the Can-Spam act and guidelines does not mean you are getting through to your targeted addresses.
Can you really be surprised to learn that this is not a guarantee that IPS’s can, will or must deliver your emails> ISP’ filters weed out both compliant and non-compliant email messages based on their criteria not yours.
When a user hits the “spam” button (even if only to but the content in their bulk mail file) the ISP records this as a black mark against you. As you gather more and more subscribers to your (legal) list, they have expectations to what kind of content you are sending out. Tell them up front what you are sending and how often. Also let your subscribers know who they will be hearing from, the email address you are using. E-mail too often and you are a pest, to seldom and they will forget they ever signed up.
When a subscriber wants to be off your list let them. Give them complete and easy to follow unsubscribe instructions. The object is to get through to as many subscribers as you can, not hold onto 1 person who does not want to be on any more.
By following these and other email marketing practices you will meet Can-Spam requirements and get your message thorough. And that is what e-marketing is all about.
Larson Notes: It can be a newsletter, and PR blast on a new product, but keep one thought at the top of your mind. Email is best for things you want 24 action on.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Can you really be surprised to learn that this is not a guarantee that IPS’s can, will or must deliver your emails> ISP’ filters weed out both compliant and non-compliant email messages based on their criteria not yours.
When a user hits the “spam” button (even if only to but the content in their bulk mail file) the ISP records this as a black mark against you. As you gather more and more subscribers to your (legal) list, they have expectations to what kind of content you are sending out. Tell them up front what you are sending and how often. Also let your subscribers know who they will be hearing from, the email address you are using. E-mail too often and you are a pest, to seldom and they will forget they ever signed up.
When a subscriber wants to be off your list let them. Give them complete and easy to follow unsubscribe instructions. The object is to get through to as many subscribers as you can, not hold onto 1 person who does not want to be on any more.
By following these and other email marketing practices you will meet Can-Spam requirements and get your message thorough. And that is what e-marketing is all about.
Larson Notes: It can be a newsletter, and PR blast on a new product, but keep one thought at the top of your mind. Email is best for things you want 24 action on.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Industrial Production Shows Big Gains
Better-than-expected gain suggests that economic growth in the third quarter could be stronger than anticipated
Industrial production rose 0.7 percent in September after an upwardly revised gain of 1.2 percent in August, according to The Federal Reserve. For the third quarter as a whole, output advanced at an annual rate of 5.2 percent, the first quarterly gain since the first quarter of 2008 and the largest gain since the first quarter of 2005.
Production in manufacturing increased 0.9 percent in September, and the index excluding motor vehicles and parts rose 0.5 percent.
Led by a surge in steel production, primary metals jumped at an annual rate of 87 percent in the third quarter; nevertheless, the index in September was 28 percent below its year-earlier level. Elsewhere in durables, the output of computer and electronic products rose 0.5 percent in September, and the indexes for wood products; fabricated metal products; and electrical equipment, appliances, and components edged up, the output of nonmetallic mineral products fell 0.7 percent, and the indexes for machinery and for furniture and related products each declined about 1 percent.
The production of nondurables moved up 0.8 percent, with gains widespread across its components. The indexes for textile and product mills, for apparel and leather, and for petroleum and coal products all increased at least 1 percent. In addition, the output of chemicals gained 0.8 percent, and the output of food, beverage, and tobacco products increased 0.5 percent. However, the indexes for paper, for printing and related support activities, and for plastics and rubber products all declined modestly.
In September, the capacity utilization rate for total industry increased to 70.5 percent, a level 10.4 percentage points below its average for 1972 through 2008.
Larson Notes: So where does that put you. If you can sell to the steel industry go for it. I see this area of manufacturing continuing to grow as general building, infrastructure, industry and rail need more steel to build things. Put that together with government cash for green appliance program (which I expect them to put into place) and you have a growing robust steel sector. And while you’re at it, marketing quickly into appliance companies would be a good thing. Even a short burst of government stimulus money will have them in a purchasing mode. Time is short but if you work fast, very fast, there might be some low handing plumbs to be gotten.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Industrial production rose 0.7 percent in September after an upwardly revised gain of 1.2 percent in August, according to The Federal Reserve. For the third quarter as a whole, output advanced at an annual rate of 5.2 percent, the first quarterly gain since the first quarter of 2008 and the largest gain since the first quarter of 2005.
Production in manufacturing increased 0.9 percent in September, and the index excluding motor vehicles and parts rose 0.5 percent.
Led by a surge in steel production, primary metals jumped at an annual rate of 87 percent in the third quarter; nevertheless, the index in September was 28 percent below its year-earlier level. Elsewhere in durables, the output of computer and electronic products rose 0.5 percent in September, and the indexes for wood products; fabricated metal products; and electrical equipment, appliances, and components edged up, the output of nonmetallic mineral products fell 0.7 percent, and the indexes for machinery and for furniture and related products each declined about 1 percent.
The production of nondurables moved up 0.8 percent, with gains widespread across its components. The indexes for textile and product mills, for apparel and leather, and for petroleum and coal products all increased at least 1 percent. In addition, the output of chemicals gained 0.8 percent, and the output of food, beverage, and tobacco products increased 0.5 percent. However, the indexes for paper, for printing and related support activities, and for plastics and rubber products all declined modestly.
In September, the capacity utilization rate for total industry increased to 70.5 percent, a level 10.4 percentage points below its average for 1972 through 2008.
Larson Notes: So where does that put you. If you can sell to the steel industry go for it. I see this area of manufacturing continuing to grow as general building, infrastructure, industry and rail need more steel to build things. Put that together with government cash for green appliance program (which I expect them to put into place) and you have a growing robust steel sector. And while you’re at it, marketing quickly into appliance companies would be a good thing. Even a short burst of government stimulus money will have them in a purchasing mode. Time is short but if you work fast, very fast, there might be some low handing plumbs to be gotten.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Week Ahead October 26-30, 2009
Monday: September Construction Spending, Pending Home Sales,
Tuesday: Factory Orders, Auto & Truck Sales
Wednesday: Federal Reserve Meeting
Thursday: Weekly initial jobless claims, 3rd Quarter Productivity
Friday: Consumer Credit, Wholesale Inventories
Larson Notes: The government stimulus in cars grew the economy lst month together with home sales by 3.5%. That is mainly due to cash for clunkers and the $8000 home owner’s tax exemption. But without more incentives it could be a short lived recovery? 1st time homeowner’s extension? Yes! Cash for energy efficient appliances? Yes?
Yes millions of Americans are unemployed and more are weekly. So what can we do to bring jobs back from overseas or “reshoring”? Better think long and hard, it’s our future at stake.
So what’s up for this week? The reports will be good as manufacturing restocks their inventories and construction is held together by a song and a prayer. Most of the Obama money will be stalled and going out to the states to pay off their debt rather that help in job creation. In fact the only bad report this week will be unemployment as business continues to hold the line on hiring Most of the focus will be on the government and watching the Senate debate the 1st time homeowners tax rebate extension (good) and government healthcare (bad).
The focused industries we are looking to add clients in for the month are Advertising Specialties, Trade Show Booth Builder, Sign Shop, a Graphic Design Studio, and Printer both small and mid-sized.
We are still looking for sales persons in all areas except
the Great Plains States.
If interested give us a call at 847-991-0488.
Howard’s out of office public schedule for the week:
Monday: Tuesday: Running Training 6:30am,
Wednesday: Thursday: Running Training 6:30am
Friday: Saturday: Peoria State Cross Country meet
Trade show schedule:
> November 15-18, 2009 Fabtech Int. & AWS Welding Show McCormick Place, Chicago
> December 2-4, 2009 The Intl. Work Boat Show, New Orleans LA (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> December 3-5, 2009 Athletic Business Conference & Expo, Orlando FL (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> March 14-16 Internal Home and Housewares Show, McCormick Place, Chicago
Time slots still available to meet & talk over coffee.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
Tuesday: Factory Orders, Auto & Truck Sales
Wednesday: Federal Reserve Meeting
Thursday: Weekly initial jobless claims, 3rd Quarter Productivity
Friday: Consumer Credit, Wholesale Inventories
Larson Notes: The government stimulus in cars grew the economy lst month together with home sales by 3.5%. That is mainly due to cash for clunkers and the $8000 home owner’s tax exemption. But without more incentives it could be a short lived recovery? 1st time homeowner’s extension? Yes! Cash for energy efficient appliances? Yes?
Yes millions of Americans are unemployed and more are weekly. So what can we do to bring jobs back from overseas or “reshoring”? Better think long and hard, it’s our future at stake.
So what’s up for this week? The reports will be good as manufacturing restocks their inventories and construction is held together by a song and a prayer. Most of the Obama money will be stalled and going out to the states to pay off their debt rather that help in job creation. In fact the only bad report this week will be unemployment as business continues to hold the line on hiring Most of the focus will be on the government and watching the Senate debate the 1st time homeowners tax rebate extension (good) and government healthcare (bad).
The focused industries we are looking to add clients in for the month are Advertising Specialties, Trade Show Booth Builder, Sign Shop, a Graphic Design Studio, and Printer both small and mid-sized.
We are still looking for sales persons in all areas except
the Great Plains States.
If interested give us a call at 847-991-0488.
Howard’s out of office public schedule for the week:
Monday: Tuesday: Running Training 6:30am,
Wednesday: Thursday: Running Training 6:30am
Friday: Saturday: Peoria State Cross Country meet
Trade show schedule:
> November 15-18, 2009 Fabtech Int. & AWS Welding Show McCormick Place, Chicago
> December 2-4, 2009 The Intl. Work Boat Show, New Orleans LA (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> December 3-5, 2009 Athletic Business Conference & Expo, Orlando FL (Registered but not committed to going yet)
> March 14-16 Internal Home and Housewares Show, McCormick Place, Chicago
Time slots still available to meet & talk over coffee.
Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better
P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out.
P.P.S. We are offering 2 free (a $75.00 value) ½ hour consultation periods per week to talk about marketing businesses. Call or email to get your spot to pick my brain for 30 minutes today.
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