Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How to start and measure B2B Social Media Marketing

So the question was posed to me: How did I start a B2B social Media Marketing Campaign and how in the world can you measure something so illusive?

The whole goal in B2B Social Media and a marketing campaign is to learn and understand and utilize Web 2.0 technologies and to build excitement about a business, your business!

You can use B2B SM to build an audience, a following of ideas and thoughts that will be interested in what you do at your company or what you sell. That being said, B2B SM is very different from traditional push marketing and advertising. When a group, any group of people come together on a network such as a ning.com group or inMyspace, Facebook groups or blocks of people come together and it happens very quickly. I mean every time you blink a new group seems to have formed. Seriously! People signing up to receive e-mail, post thoughts and ideas, becoming a fan, telling friends, it happens, why shouldn’t happen to you?

Your company can be elevated by the positive impact of B2B SM. People trust brands and companies that they recognize or their friends recommend.

As for tracking; you can count blog posts, web site hits and click thoughts, new “friends” and members to your (if you have one) B2B Networking Group. And of course the place that really matters, your bottom line and new sales.

Larson note: Jump in and get wet now before the waters get full. Make mistakes in learning how to use this quickly changing technology and phenomena. Right now no one knows want is good and what isn’t. What works and what doesn’t. Go for it; make your mistakes while things are new and forgiving. In a year, the standards will be set and you will not have the same freedoms to expand and explore B2B SM

Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better

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