Friday, May 7, 2010

Use Of Mobile Devices In Texting

Overall 49% of consumers use their mobile devices to test. A study by Merkle showed that the percent of opt ins drops off as age increases.

26% - All Respondents
30% - Ages 18 to 29
30% - Ages 30 to 39
26% - Ages 40 to 49
15% - Ages 50 to 59
7% - Ages 60 and older

Taking this down into racial ethnic groups:

36% - Afro-American
35% - Asian American
26% - Hispanic American
23% - White American

*Source Merkle of a sample of 3,281 adults ages 18 and older.

Larson Notes & Satire: Not too surprising here. Knowing how my kids would rather text than talk on the phone, rather than me who talks rather than texts. As for the ethnic percentages I would have had no idea, but looking at it I think we can see how different companies and what they sell can work mobile and text more to their advantage.

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Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
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Making good businesses great and great businesses even better

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