What Have You Done For Me. . . NOW!This is my life. My customer's and I live in today, not tomorrow. As I sit here on Covid D-Day I wonder what will 2021 bring. This year has been a roller-coaster of ups and downs; the kind of work we have been doing, the expectations that have been placed upon myself and my staff and the limited resources given to produce results. Are we working in the office or remote? What about a coffee shop? Are they even open? I want to start this out by saying, we don't make work. We don't twist arms. We don't trick people into buying or backing them into a corner where they will regret their decision later and not become a repeat customer. What we do is to go out and attempt to find you customers, not just for today but, tomorrow and the next day so you can actually grow your business. We present you, our clients in the best possible light through E-mail, Direct mail and Teleprospecting. Then we add in a little social media marketing, some content marketing, a touch of SEO, if the demographics are right some texting, Instagram or YouTube and we find companies that want to work with you.
The 3 Legged Stool MethodNothing works every time but somethings work better than others. Our method, the Larson way is the 3 Legged Stool method of marketing. I have been using the Stool or in some way, shape or form for 45 years. The tools have changed but the basic idea has not. Hit people in three different ways using 3 different touch points and you are going to find a way that they respond to. The five senses are sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch. If you use them right people will respond to your message When I started out back in the 70's and 80's I would fax out all night long. Now that has evolved into email marketing. Don't laugh, email works. The right subject line, the right message, with the right product or service at the right time and with out allot of fancy arm twisting and you have a new customer. No you many get a low conversion rate but remember the rule of 27, right Fred?
Direct mail if used correctly targets the right customers at the right time. If you weave it in and out of emails and a phone you have a powerful way to find a ready and waiting audience. With direct mail becoming less common, there is less noise. THE MAIL BOX IS EMPTY! You can capture the undivided attention of your customers. Now more then ever direct mail is more likely to get read, it increases your name and company awareness. Unlike digital campaigns, direct mail has a larger appeal to every age group. Ready don't think that under 40s don't read their mail, they do, they really do. We do outsource all our printing but with our careful control we make it actually work.
Since direct mail is a physical product, it allows room for creativity. Thus it can appeal to more senses, leaving a lasting and memorable impact on your customer. In the end, direct mail is powerful because it’s different from the digital way of doing things. I get hundreds of emails every week. But I get only a small amount marketing messages in the form of postcards or letters in my mailbox.
Finally we come to telemarketing or teleprospecting. Telemarketing is the glue that sticks it all together. No, not everyone we call is going to agree to make a purchase.
But why would telemarketing even exist if it didn’t provide positive results? Telemarketing is a powerful and cost-effective marketing tool.
1. It provides your company with direct feedback. 2. It connects people with other people in a low tech / high touch way. 3. It can expand your sales territory in a very personal way. 4. It provides immediate results when you use a real person making the calls like we do at Larson & Associates. Not some automated voice system |
Larson & Associates
 Making Good Businesses Great and Great Businesses Even Better Call me at 847-991-1294 and get the full range of services you need to grow your business during this trying period in time.