Tuesday, January 13, 2009

CRM and Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty we all want it, we long for it we hope for it.

The first challenge in approaching customer loyalty is to determine what customer loyalty means. It is or should be different for each and every company. To formulate your loyalty plan take into consideration 4 elements

Your market(s)
Your competitors
Your business objectives
Your customers perceived value with you

There is no one size fits all. Look for different ways to align internal functions with external business functions and feedback. Identify examples which have made customers loyal to your company and seek ways to maximize those and clone them with other customers of yours. Figure out what made these customers loyal and find the silver thread which can connect all your customers to you. If you use CRM software you can find these treads of similarities that run through everyone.

Larson note: When looking for the one trait of that makes customers loyal to you just remember just as all of our companies are unique so too are all your customers unique...

Howard Larson
Larson & Associates
Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition
Making good businesses great and great businesses even better

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*Source: Larson & Associates, Opinion Research Corp

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